Sister Donatella and Sister Mary Attilia, currently serve at Nativity Catholic Church in Burke, VA as Directors of the Religious Education Program.

Sister Donatella Merulla, A.R.,D.R.E

Sister Donatella Merulla and Sister Mary Attilia Todaro arrived at Nativity Parish in Burke, VA 32 years ago after then-Pastor Salvatore Ciullo requested sisters to help with Nativity’s Religious Education Program.

Both earned degrees in elementary education from the Franciscan University of Steubenville in Ohio and a Master's Degree at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia

Sister Donatella and Sister Mary Attilia are part of the Handmaids of Reparation of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, a religious community of women from Italy. They grew up in Sicily, a large, beautiful island that is at the southern tip of Italy’s geographic “boot.”

Feeling that God wanted more of her, Sister Donatella entered the convent when she was 20. Sister Mary Attilia was 14 when she left her family to join. Her mother was not happy about her choice, but she later came to support it.

“The sisters love doing what God has called them to do,” Father Bob says. “That is obvious because they are so joyful. They are women of faith and good humor who have made Nativity a happier place.”

When the sisters arrived at Nativity Parish, the religious education classes were held in the church and members of the parish took on the task of setting up and removing partitions and chairs. In 1992, the classes were moved out of the church and into traditional classrooms. Now, in a matter of days, a beautiful new school will open.

“It’s amazing,” Sister Donatella says. “I see God’s hand in it. They’re closing parishes and schools in some other places. This Church is a vibrant community.”

Sister Donatella and Sister Mary Attilia have devoted 32 years of their lives to creating a robust religious education program at Nativity Parish, with nearly 1,500 students and 300 volunteers. They recruit many teachers, so each class can have a catechist and an assistant catechist to provide more individualized attention.

Sister Mary Attilia says their goals are to “bring the children closer to Jesus and try to instill in them a real love of Jesus.”

“They mean so much to us and we thank God for blessing our parish with these consecrated women,” Father Bob says. “They are an example to all of us how to dedicate our lives to God.”

As the Nativity Parish has grown, so have the sisters. In 2000, Sister Donatella and Sister Mary Attilia earned master’s degrees in Education Leadership from George Mason University. They also earned degrees in the Master Catechist Training Program from the Arlington Diocese.

The sisters have become humble celebrities in their own neighborhood.

“Many times we go down the street and we get stopped,” Sister Donatella says. “People say, ‘Thank you for who you are. Thanks for wearing the habit.’ But I wonder, ‘Am I really worth it? Do we meet their expectations?’ It is very humbling.”

Always self-effacing despite their many accomplishments, the sisters of Nativity Parish live a consecrated life in a manner that honors their church, their faith and their God.

We will give thanks to God for Sister Donatella, Sister Mary Attilia and Sister Ernestine

Sister Mary Attilia Todaro, A.R.,D.R.E

Sister Ernestine Vitello, A.R. (Retired)